Canada's Corner Brook Main Street bridge replacement gets government funding

Canada's Corner Brook Main Street bridge replacement gets government funding

TIN news:  The Canadian Government and authority of Newfoundland and Labrador are to jointly fund the Corner Brook Main Street bridge replacement project. 

The project will see replacement of the ageing structure with a new, safer and bigger bridge that will accommodate an additional driving lane, updated lighting, stronger guard rails and wider pavements. The bridge will have additional clearances in order to improve stream flow, as well as enhance the ability of the bridge to cope with the high-water incidents. 

Authorities anticipate that the new bridge would not only address the traffic congestion issues, but also reduce the risk of closures caused by flooding.

Canada Minister of Infrastructure and Communities Amarjeet Sohi said: “The Government of Canada is working with the province of Newfoundland and Labrador to invest strategically in transportation infrastructure that improves our communities by reducing congestion and improving safety along vital routes while creating opportunities that contribute to growing the middle class. 

"The replacement of this important bridge in Corner Brook will help improve traffic flow and increase the safety of residents and visitors alike."

"The replacement of this important bridge in Corner Brook will help improve traffic flow and increase the safety of residents and visitors alike."

For this project, the Government of Canada is providing C$1.4m ($1.06m) under the provincial-territorial infrastructure component of the New Building Canada Fund, and the province of Newfoundland and Labrador is providing C$1.5m ($1.1m), while the city of Corner Brook will offer the remaining funding. 

Newfoundland and Labrador Minister of Municipal Affairs and Environment Eddie Joyce said: “The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is investing in municipal projects that strengthen services and develop infrastructure.

“All will benefit from the upgrades and the replacement of Main Street Bridge, as it is a central route for travellers and visitors alike in Corner Brook. We have committed to working collaboratively with the federal government to ensure that we are supporting municipalities and building safe and sustainable communities.” 


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