Volvo teams-up with Renova to test autonomous refuse truck in Sweden

Volvo teams-up with Renova to test autonomous refuse truck in Sweden

TIN news:  Volvo Group has signed a deal to test its autonomous refuse truck in urban environments in a partnership with waste and recycling specialists Renova. 

The project will primarily focus and study how automation of refuse truck could contribute to enhance traffic safety, as well as improve working conditions and lower environmental impact.

The joint project with Renova will continue until the end of this year.

Volvo Group chief technology officer Lars Stenqvist said: “There is amazing potential to transform the swift pace of technical developments in automation into practical benefits for customers and, more broadly, society in general.

“Our self-driving refuse truck is leading the way in this field globally, and one of the several exciting autonomous innovations we are working with right now.” 

Volvo added that its autonomous refuse truck has been designed to make driving safer, especially in the urban built-up areas, as it is equipped with sensors that constantly monitor the vehicle’s vicinity. 

"The truck stops immediately if the sensors identify any obstacles within its path."

The truck stops immediately if the sensors identify any obstacles within its path. The route will be pre-programmed to enable the refuse collection truck to move from one wheelie-bin to the next.

The driver does not have to get in or out of the cab frequently and is able to walk in front of the reversing vehicle every time the truck moves to a new bin.

Stenqvist further added: “One important benefit of the new technology is a reduction in the risk of occupational injuries, such as wear in knee joints, otherwise a common ailment among staff working with refuse collection.”

The speed of the vehicle and gear-changing mechanism is constantly optimised in order increase fuel efficiency, as well as help cut emission levels. 


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