Australia’s Queensland Government finishes North Ipswich upgrades

Australia’s Queensland Government finishes North Ipswich upgrades

The Queensland Government in Australia has completed several improvements to a North Ipswich intersection ahead of schedule. 

The A$2.75m ($2m) upgrade includes traffic signals, pedestrian crossings and designated cycle lanes.

New chevrons and line marking were also included, in addition to the maintaining of the lefthand turn from Delacy Street into Pine Street in North Ipswich. 

Queensland Government main roads and road safety minister Mark Bailey said: “The new intersection provides better local connectivity for motorists and safer access for cyclists and pedestrians.

“It also improves access to local businesses and tourist attractions such as the Workshops Rail Museum. 

"The new intersection provides better local connectivity for motorists and safer access for cyclists and pedestrians."

“While the new traffic signals have been in operation for some time, final night time asphalting, line marking and related works means the project is now officially complete."

Bailey further noted that the upgrade was carried out due to the high crash history of the intersection, which has been used by around 11,000 motorists every day.

In a separate development, Queensland Government Rural Economic Development Minister Bill Byrne has urged the Australian Prime Minister to provide fund for developing various infrastructure, including the South Rockhampton Flood Levee and highway upgrades.

According to Byrne, the government in Australia has originally allocated A$375m ($278m) in its Northern Australia Roads Programme for Queensland in last year’s federal budget, but provided only A$223.8m ($166). 


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