Inrix releases CAV consumer survey in UK

Inrix releases CAV consumer survey in UK

Inrix has released the results of its connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) consumer survey, which focused on the driver's concerns about the upcoming multi-trillion pound market. 

According to the survey, traditional carmakers are most trusted to build autonomous vehicles and protect drivers’ connected data.

Currently, the connectivity and dependence of autonomous cars on smartphones are reported to be much higher than it was in the past, and drivers in the UK have been found to be uncertain about who to trust with their in-car data.

A majority of the drivers in the UK expressed that they do not trust anybody to secure connected car data, and 27% among preferred traditional car manufacturers with their data compared with only 18% who picked Silicon Valley’s tech giants.

Inrix chief economist and research head Dr Graham Cookson said: “The UK is charging towards a transport revolution and time is ticking for Silicon Valley’s tech giants to address data security and privacy concerns.

“Consumers are more aware than ever of keeping their data safe, and the fact that they trust traditional carmakers over tech giants with their in-car data sends a powerful message.

“While UK drivers are more skeptical of today’s tech titans, traditional carmakers still need to do more to show consumers the benefits of their connected, and in the future, autonomous, vehicles to secure a concrete foothold in this highly lucrative market.

“As connected and autonomous vehicles become an essential part of brands’ business model, the stakes have never been higher.”

Similar reactions were reported in other European countries, with just 13% in France and only 8% in Germany saying they trust technology giants to secure in-car data.

On the contrary, 30% of US and 31% of Italian drivers have expressed their confidence in the Silicon Valley-based companies.

Some of the significant benefits of connected and autonomous vehicles that UK drivers can have in the future include improved disabled and elderly access, decreased stress and better safety.

"As connected and autonomous vehicles become an essential part of brands’ business model, the stakes have never been higher."

Nearly 61% of UK drivers asked stated that the expect autonomous cars to eventually be as safe as or safer than vehicles being driven today.

Around 54% of the drivers in the UK revealed that the in-car technology is more vital than the car brand when making a purchasing decision and about 48% emphasised on the technology than the car’s performance.

The survey report suggests that less than one in five UK drivers (17%) are interested in purchasing an autonomous vehicle and nearly seven in ten (69%) of those asked feel that the car manufacturers are not doing a good job of explaining the benefits of connected cars.  

Drivers in the UK believe that the autonomous vehicles will be available within the next decade, and the majority of them will be used by men (61%), and 64% of the vehicles will be used by the people who are under-40s and 79% of under-21s.


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