NDoT selects Ames-Horrocks team for I-15 / Garnet interchange project

The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDoT) has selected a design-build team of Ames Construction with Horrocks Engineers for the Interstate 15 (I-15) / Garnet interchange project near Apex Industrial Park in north Las Vegas, US.
NDoT selected the Ames-Horrocks $58m bid as it was 25% below the engineer’s estimate.
The project includes expansion of US Highway 93 to two lanes in each direction for five miles from the Garnet Interchange to just north of Apex Power Parkway, as well as upgrading an interchange that was built in 1963.
In addition, the project will involve reconstruction of a frontage road along Apex Industrial Park with improved access points and enhanced intersections at Apex Great Basin Way, Apex Power Parkway and Grand Valley Parkway.
Nevada Department of Transportation director Rudy Malfabon said: “The Ames team proposal provided the best value and quickest completion schedule of all the project finalists. Their plan minimises traffic impacts during construction, while still delivering a high-quality project.”