Deals this week: PORR, Granite Construction

Deals this week: PORR, Granite Construction

Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad (GDDKiA) has contracted PORR to design and construct the dual-level Lubelska traffic hub in central Poland.

The contractual scope includes the construction of Lubelska dual-level traffic hub at the junction of the existing DK 17 carriageway. The hub will link the newly planned south bypass (S2) in Warsaw with the east bypass (S17) and A2 motorway.

Work under the contract, which is valued at £45m ($59.4m), is expected to be completed in 2020.

"Granite Construction Company and Archer Western have won a design-build contract for the first phase of the South Capitol Street Corridor project in Columbia, US."

Granite Construction Company and Archer Western have won a design-build contract for the first phase of the South Capitol Street Corridor project in Columbia, US.

Awarded by the Columbia Department of Transportation, the contract is valued at $441m.

The companies will replace the existing Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge over the Anacostia River in Washington DC with a six-lane bridge offering improved access to cyclists and pedestrians.

The construction is expected to be completed in 2021.


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