IRU leads on transport trends at UN working party

IRU leads on transport trends at UN working party

Presenting key initiatives in transport innovation, IRU’s Head of Goods Transport & Sustainable Development, Jens Hügel, is taking part in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’s working party on transport trends and economics in Geneva this week.

Highlighting findings from the recent study on driverless trucks, Mr Hügel outlines the benefits of lower costs, reduced emissions and safer roads, but advocates a managed transition that prioritises global action on driver jobs and legal issues.

In a separate session, IRU’s work on Mobility-as-a-Service, which integrates various forms of transport into a unified mobility platform, is on the agenda. Realised through several IRU projects, including MOBINET and MyCorridor, and through IRU’s leading role in the European MaaS Alliance, the initiative requires a common legal framework and simplified regulation.




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