IRU leading debate on European Union Mobility Package

IRU leading debate on European Union Mobility Package

The European Commission Mobility Package headlined a dinner debate organised by IRU at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. With the strong presence of members of the European Parliament (MEPs) IRU was able to act as an honest broker in the search for a deal on critical issues, affecting both freight and passenger transport.

The Mobility Package will address important issues such as the posting of workers, driving and rest time regulations, road charging, and market access rules.

Thirty IRU members from across the European Union presented their views and direct experience to European Union decision makers, who welcomed the input from the road transport industry, the lifeblood of the EU’s economy. The event was hosted by Ismail Ertug MEP, the coordinator in Transport Committee for the European Parliament Socialists & Democrats group, and Danuta Jazlowiecka MEP, rapporteur for the Posting of Workers Directive in the Parliament's Employment Committee and representing the European Peoples’ Party.

IRU met with 10 leading parliamentarians to further decision makers’ understanding and hear their views of the critical issues resulting from the Mobility Package. IRU members were also able to meet with many more MEPs providing a national perspective from transport operators that will be directly affected by the proposed legislative changes.

MEPs invited IRU to strive for an agreement by 2019 on the key issues and present practical and workable solutions for the benefit of the road transport industry.



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