Major repair works underway at Princes Highway in Victoria, Australia

Major repair works underway at Princes Highway in Victoria, Australia

Major repair works on the deteriorated section of the Princes Highway at Heywood are underway to provide a safe route for motorists in Victoria, Australia.

Road overhaul works are being carried out at the Princes Highway, north of the Fitzroy River bridge to the Princes Highway and Henty Highway intersection with an investment of A$2.9m ($2.2m).

The upgrade works will see installation of new signs and bollards at the truck stop and a disused rail crossing will be removed.

The road improvement works are part of the government’s A$530m ($415m) investment programme to improve regional roads.

Works on the Princess Highway at Heywood is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

"This year VicRoads will be doing more work than it’s done in the south-west in decades."

Upon completion, the project works will see a smoother road surface, a rebuilt slip lane, new culverts and improved drainage.

Victoria Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan said: “We recognise how important roads are to the community, businesses and freight companies, which is why we’ve doubled spending on road maintenance and rehabilitation this year.”

“This year VicRoads will be doing more work than it’s done in the south-west in decades.”

The government noted that nearly A$95m ($74.5m) is being spent across the south-west region for rebuilding 17km of roads, as well as widening, resurfacing, asphalting, sealing and repairs to road shoulders at more than 100 locations.

Additionally, the Victorian Government has provided A$40m ($31.3m) to widen narrow roads.


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