GM’s Cruise Automation to test fully autonomous vehicle in New York State

 GM’s Cruise Automation to test fully autonomous vehicle in New York State

Cruise Automation, a business unit of General Motors (GM) is all set to test its autonomous vehicles in Manhattan, New York, by early next year.

The company noted that mapping has already begun in the Manhattan region.

During the test, an engineer will be present in the driver's seat to monitor and evaluate performance, with a second person in the passenger seat.

The test of autonomous car technology has been possible because of the legislation by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in the Financial Year 2018 budget, which has made provision for testing of autonomous technology in New York through a pilot programme.

Cuomo said: "Autonomous vehicles have the potential to save time and save lives, and we are proud to be working with GM and Cruise on the future of this exciting new technology.

"Autonomous vehicles have the potential to save time and save lives, and we are proud to be working with GM and Cruise on the future of this exciting new technology."

"The spirit of innovation is what defines New York, and we are positioned on the forefront of this emerging industry that has the potential to be the next great technological advance that moves our economy and moves us forward."

The tests that will be conducted by the Cruise Automation include Level 4 autonomous vehicles.

Cruise Automation CEO Kyle Vogt said: "Testing in New York will accelerate the timeline to deploying self-driving cars at scale.

“New York City is one of the most densely populated places in the world and provides new opportunities to expose our software to unusual situations, which means we can improve our software at a much faster rate.

“We look forward to working with Governor Cuomo as we work toward bringing next-generation transportation solutions to New York."

The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and State Police will work with Cruise and GM to ensure all testing meets relevant safety, vehicle and insurance requirements.


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