Transport time across Arab region could be halved under TIR

Transport time across Arab region could be halved under TIR

Roundtable discussions in Beirut highlight the potential of TIR to save up to 57% time and 38% cost on intermodal and road transport operations in the Arab region.

Aimed at facilitating the flow of goods between the countries of the region, which currently accounts for only 5.2% of trade, and rebuilding foreign trade in the context of political upheaval, discussions focused on possible actions to simplify border procedures and reduce administrative burdens at crossings.

All parties concerned from the public and private sectors agreed to work towards expanding the use of the TIR system to reap its full potential.

Hosted by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon in partnership with IRU, the event drew high level participation from the Ministry of Economy and Trade, Ministry of Transport, Lebanese Customs, the UN, Arab Union of Chambers, and transport operators and freight forwarders engaged in regional and international transport.

In separate meetings with the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Mohamed Ali Alhakim, the Secretary General of IRU, Umberto de Pretto, cemented cooperation between the two organisations on the implementation of key global conventions for trade and transport facilitation, notably the TIR Convention. These commitments form the basis of a memorandum of understanding and biennial plan.

There was also a strong commitment to work together towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the promotion of road safety through training and professional qualifications.


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