IRU strengthens partnership with World Bank to implement sustainability goals

IRU strengthens partnership with World Bank to implement sustainability goals

As a member of the World Bank’s Sustainable Mobility for All (Sum4All) Consortium, IRU will underscore the importance of global conventions, like TIR, in implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

With the official signing of the Consortium Charter taking place in Washington DC, the move follows the launch of the Global Mobility Report at COP 23, which marked the first ever attempt to assess the sustainability performance of the transport sector.

IRU has made vital contributions to the chapters on efficiency and universal access and is now gearing up for the next phase of SuM4All work on the development of sustainable transport indicators. These will be featured in the Global Tracking Framework – a new data platform to help track global progress towards sustainable mobility.

IRU proposes the global customs transit system, TIR, and digital consignment notes, e-CMR, as industry indicators to help measure progress in meeting the targets of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change.


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