Star Systems International acquires V Track ID
Tolling tech manufacturer Star Systems International (SSI) has acquired data specialist V Track ID "to prepare for a future where RFID technology can connect vehicles, toll systems, and other system infrastructure for increased efficiency and real-time data exchange".

Tolling tech manufacturer Star Systems International (SSI) has acquired data specialist V Track ID "to prepare for a future where RFID technology can connect vehicles, toll systems, and other system infrastructure for increased efficiency and real-time data exchange".
SSI is known in particular for its RFID readers and transponders, while V Track ID's patented technology is designed for gathering data on vehicles, operators, and freight with the use of existing installed infrastructure and technologies, such as roadside and back-office systems.
V Track ID’s technology bridges the gap from current RFID transponder capabilities towards Vehicle to Everything (V2X): its platform can be used to facilitate use cases such as road usage charging, toll collection, managing commercial vehicle compliance and certification, as well as fleet management.
“This acquisition significantly enhances Star Systems’ portfolio of innovative solutions in the tolling and vehicle identification sectors, solidifying our leadership in the market," explains SSI chief operating officer Ava Tang.
"V Track ID’s platform for sharing data directly from vehicles, combined with its security measures and flexibility, ensures its usage across many applications."
This does not require additional infrastructure, SSI says. Smartphone apps can also be integrated with the platform, "creating an efficient and secure network among vehicles, mobile applications, and roadside systems".
In-vehicle transponders could connect to surrounding systems, allowing for T2X (Transponder to Everything) and ensuring interoperability that serves numerous markets, the company adds.