Flow Labs reaches partnership at Altitude

Transport software specialist Flow Labs has announced a partnership with Altitude Signal, a distributor of traffic signal management technologies and systems integrator.

Flow Labs reaches partnership at Altitude
TINNews |

Transport software specialist Flow Labs has announced a partnership with Altitude Signal, a distributor of traffic signal management technologies and systems integrator.

The appeal for Flow Labs is to extend its reach in the Mountain regions of the western US - comprising Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Colorado and Utah - where Altitude Signal is strong in "delivering high-quality traffic solutions tailored to the specific challenges posed by mountainous terrains and diverse transportation networks".

Alec Meyerhoff, manager of Altitude Signal, says: “Measuring traffic patterns and signal performance is made extremely simple using Flow Labs’ platform, giving traffic engineers a real-time understanding of what is happening on their roadways."

Flow Labs’ digital twin platform uses AI to bring together multiple streams, including signal, detection and connected vehicle data from a range of partners – into a traffic management platform that optimises traffic flow, traffic safety and environmental emissions "while enhancing overall regional mobility".

Jatish Patel, CEO of Flow Labs, says: "This partnership is a natural fit, combining our innovative AI technology with their extensive experience and strong presence in the area. Together, we are poised to make a significant impact on traffic management in these challenging terrains."

#END News
source: itsinternational
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