This week the United Nations Secretary-General launched the Policy Brief “COVID-۱۹ and Transforming Tourism”, which…
As UNWTO leads the restart of tourism, the Secretary-General of the United Nations has sent a landmark message to the…
While many countries such as the USA and Brazil are struggling with devastating corona records and a second wave of…
Tourism, the industry hit hardest by the COVID-۱۹ pandemic, begins to introduce measures for its recovery, just as it…
The temporary rental platform has always struggled with the way the hosts decide how and when they clean their houses.…
The Madeira Autonomous Region Promotion Association (APM) has launched a certification of good practices to manage…
A health crisis that quickly turned into an economic crisis, COVID-۱۹ has a particularly strong impact on tourism and…
As the new year begins, there are many who venture into the art of predicting what the future holds for the tourism…
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences Health Tourism Director said on Monday that Mashhad has the highest health…
New mechanism for public-private collaboration, data, and supralocal brands… Developed travel destinations looking to…