Pirates attack LNG tanker off Nigeria

Pirates attacked a Bermudian-registered LNG tanker on November 6, near Nigeria. The pirates opened fire at the ship, but it managed to escape by maneuvering. The Nigerian Navy is now investigating the source of the attack.

Pirates attack LNG tanker off Nigeria
TINNews |

Pirates attacked a Bermudian-registered LNG tanker on November 6, near Nigeria. The pirates opened fire at the ship, but it managed to escape by maneuvering. The Nigerian Navy is now investigating the source of the attack.

The LNG tanker sent out a report  to the Department of Marine and Ports of Bermuda, stating that it was under attack in the Gulf of Guinea.

According to the report, the pirates fired at the vessel, but the ship's crewmembers performed evasive action and managed to abort the attack, while they also prevented the boarding of the vessel.

Currently, the Nigerian navy has been deployed to investigate the source of the attack. In the meantime, the LNG tanker continued its journey with the escort of a security vessel, for pilot and entry into the port of Bonny in Nigeria.

No one was injured in the piracy attack.

According to IMB, the Gulf of Guinea accounts for 57 of the 156 reported incidents during 2018 so far. Most of these incidents have been reported in and around Nigeria (41), and there has also been a noticeable increase in the number of vessels boarded at the Takoradi anchorage, in Ghana.

In addition, 37 of the 39 crew kidnappings for ransom globally have taken place  in the Gulf of Guinea region, in seven separate incidents.




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