Highways England to improve roads in Merseyside, UK

Highways England to improve roads in Merseyside, UK
TIN news:  Highways England (HE) is to carry out major road improvement works at Switch Island in Merseyside, where the M57, M58 and 3 A roads all join together. 
Under the plan, a total of £3m will be invested to improve journeys and safety at one of the north-west’s busiest motorway junctions.
The road improvement programme will be funded through the government’s £220m congestion relief programme, which was announced by the UK’s Transport Secretary Chris Grayling last month. HE will begin construction works at this junction by next year.
Highways England asset development manager Bruce Parker said: “We’re delighted we’ve been able to secure funding from the government for this scheme, and can now carry out the detailed design and planning work before construction starts next year.
"The improvements we’re making at Switch Island will improve journeys and safety at the junction, benefitting the tens of thousands of drivers who travel through it every day."
“The improvements we’re making at Switch Island will improve journeys and safety at the junction, benefitting the tens of thousands of drivers who travel through it every day.”
The highway authority anticipates that improvement works at this junction would improve the flow of traffic, as well as enhance the safety of motorists. 
Over the past two years, nearly 49 collisions have taken place at this location.
As part of road improvement works, highways personnel will be installing new traffic lights at a height of more than 5m in order to enhance the visibility of signal lights to the drivers approaching the junction.
HE will also make changes to the road layout and lane markings, new barriers between carriageways, coloured high-friction surfaces and better signs.
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