IRU launches new driver certification service with ALSA

IRU has launched a new driver certification service in partnership with ALSA, the leading company in the Spanish road passenger transport sector.

IRU launches new driver certification service with ALSA

IRU has launched a new driver certification service in partnership with ALSA, the leading company in the Spanish road passenger transport sector.

ALSA, which operates long-distance international routes alongside domestic bus services, sought the partnership with IRU in order to objectively measure driver competence through an external organisation. 

Why is certification important?

For passenger transport companies, drivers are a key asset. Customer satisfaction and trust depend on the drivers’ ability to operate the vehicle safely and provide impeccable service to passengers. 

At the same time, drivers themselves are among the biggest beneficiaries when companies are better able to give them both clear feedback on their performance levels and professional goals to aim for as well as opportunities to improve. 

IRU’s assessment-based certification will, therefore, allow companies to improve knowledge of their driver competency levels, with the ultimate aim of fostering professional excellence, gaining customer trust and attracting and retaining the best drivers. 

How will it work?

Development was initiated last year and is now in its final stages after testing on 250 drivers.

The solution combines both computer-based and practical assessments. A driver’s skill and knowledge are measured in four areas: driving, vehicle knowledge, emergencies management and customer service. Test reports will be generated, offering feedback in each area.

Looking to the future

Driver certification is part of a broad range of activities aimed at achieving targets set by the United Nations (UN) Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020. The launch of the partnership between IRU and ALSA comes at a time of renewed UN action on road safety through the fifth Road Safety Week to be held from the 6-12 May 2019, and its Save Lives – #SpeakUp campaign. 

IRU plans to build on its partnership with ALSA, eventually extending its driver assessment solution across the industry, raising standards and, by doing so, reduce road safety incidents.

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