e-CMR standardised for compatibility between all future digital solutions

e-CMR standardised for compatibility between all future digital solutions
TINNews |

The model for the electronic consignment note has been published for external review over a two-month period, representing the final step to ensure compatibility between all future digital solutions for international road transport.

Following the previous public review of the e-CMR Business Requirements Specification, this new milestone will see the publication of several technical documents, including the e-CMR schema, structure and model diagram, which comprise the full data set of the electronic message.

The documentation is now available for review on the UN’s portal for trade facilitation recommendations and electronic business standards (UN/CEFACT). At the end of the two-month period, the e-CMR model will be finalised and published as a standard.

Boris Blanche, IRU Chief Operational Officer said, “The review process is part of the development of a digital transport tool that will ensure compatibility across the entire digital logistics map.  Specifically, the interoperability of e-CMR is critical to safeguarding security, and efficiency and we encourage our members and the wider industry to take an active part in providing feedback.”


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