Kuwait Oil Tanker Company Sak & Springfield Shipping Co – New Onlinests.Net Members

Kuwait Oil Tanker Company Sak & Springfield Shipping Co – New Onlinests.Net Members

TIN news:  DYNAMARINe team is honoured to welcome two of the most reputable and well known tanker companies worldwide in the onlineSTS.net service, Kuwait Oil Tanker Company S.A.K. and Springfield Shipping Co from Greece. Both trustworthy companies are mainly involved in the ownership and management of tankers vessels engaged in the transport of crude oil. Kuwait Oil Tanker Company also involved in the market of liquefied petroleum gases (LPG). the entrance of these two traditional Tanker companies in the respectable members’ area of onlineSTS.net are valuable for DYNAMARINe as their profile in the tanker market as well as their more than 50 years history in the shipping industry are highly admirable.

Both Companies entered to onlineSTS.net service recently, with Springfield Shipping Co in a FULL membership package of satellite services along with Maran Tankers Management Inc including the following:

STS Drills: The STS Drills deliver a real-time case study topics between vessels and DYNAMARINe. It enhances, the level of the preparedness and the perception of hazards from senior officers involved in the planning, decision making and successful execution of an STS operation.

STS STATUS: The STS STATUS Survey is a certificate that describes the level of vessel compliance with IMO regulations and industry best practices for Ship to Ship transfer operations. It is a gap analysis survey that includes information on the following: Condition on Vessel gear; Adopted policies and procedures; Crew training & preparedness.

e-learning course: This course provides valuable information related to due diligence issues and best practices that will assist all participants in mitigating the encountered risks, while protecting their ship owner’s interests.

We are honoured for the trust that Kuwait Oil Tanker Company S.A.K. and Springfield Shipping Co. have shown to DYNAMARINe.

DYNAMARINe and onlineSTS.net service increases the registered fleet by 47 vessels counting a total fleet of more than 900 entered ships. Our goal is the continuous enhancement of the already established quality procedures of all the members at the onlineSTS.net, leading to the improvement of safety, crew awareness and the adoption of a culture by all participating organisations which is beyond the minimum required industry standards.

The onlineSTS.net service inclusive of the satellite modules assist the management in improving safety and environmental performance at all levels. Management has a way of measuring and identifying trends in safety and environmental performance in Ship-to-Ship transfer operations at all levels, by maintaining statistical records.


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