Energy min. opens Iran’s largest wind farm

Iran’s Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian inaugurated a 61.4-megawatt (MW) wind farm in town of Tarom in Qazvin province on Sunday.

Energy min. opens Iran’s largest wind farm

Iran’s Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian inaugurated a 61.4-megawatt (MW) wind farm in town of Tarom in Qazvin province on Sunday.

Concurrent with the Iranian Government Week, Reza Ardakanian visited Tarom on Sunday and officially opened the largest wind farm in Iran, with a capacity of 61.4 MW covering 170000 square kilometers of the region.

Iran has invested over 86 million euros on Tarom wind farm, built within a year using the latest technology in the world.

Iranian energy minister said on Sunday that the wind farm has eighteen 3.4-megawatt turbines for generating electricity.

Qazvin has the capacity to produce 4,000 MW of electricity thanks to the wind and solar energies.

Tarom wind farm will help prevent annual emission of 110,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases, which is equivalent to planting 100 thousand hectares of and preventing the pollution of 22,000 vehicles.


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