Delphi to join BMW Group and Intel for autonomous driving platform

Delphi to join BMW Group and Intel for autonomous driving platform

TIN news:  BMW has revealed that its technological partnership with Intel and Mobileye has expanded to now include Delphi Automotive as a development partner and system integrator for an autonomous driving platform. 

Delphi Automotive is an UK-based automotive parts manufacturing company that offers connected solutions for the transportation sector.

BMW Development board of management member Klaus Fröhlich said: “From the very beginning, we designed our cooperation on a non-exclusive platform for this technology of the future. 

"With the onboarding of Delphi, we significantly strengthen our development of the automated driving and do a future step in spreading this technology across the industry.” 

The four companies intend to work together to deliver and scale the developed solutions to the broader original equipment manufacturers (OEM) in the automotive industry, as well as to other industries.

As a system integrator, Delphi is expected to play a key role in the go to market strategy of the joint solution, and reach-out to various automotive OEMs in a quick period of time.

In this partnership, Delphi will be responsible for integrating the solution delivered by BMW Group, Intel and Mobileye into OEM vehicle architectures. 

In addition, Delphi may also be required to provide hardware components such as sensors and offer specific customisations and applications for differentiation. 

Delphi has already worked with BMW Group, where it delivered a prototype compute platform and is currently working with Intel and Mobileye in the areas of perception and sensor fusion, as well as developing high-performance automated driving computing. 

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich said: “The partnership between BMW, Intel and Mobileye continues to break new ground in the auto industry.

"The joint teams have made substantial progress to deliver a scalable platform for autonomous driving and are on the path to deliver 40 pilot cars in the second half of this year."

“In less than one year, the joint teams have made substantial progress to deliver a scalable platform for autonomous driving and are on the path to deliver 40 pilot cars in the second half of this year.

“Adding Delphi as an integration partner will help to accelerate the introduction of autonomous cars on the streets from multiple carmakers and offer differentiation to customers.”

In July 2016, the BMW Group, Intel, and Mobileye revealed the collaboration for developing new solutions for self-driving vehicles, and begin production by 2021.

Since then, the three companies have worked together to produce a scalable architecture that could be adopted and used by other automotive developers and carmakers.


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