L&T Technology Services (LTTS) has announced the launch of TrackEi, an AI-powered railway track inspection solution to…
High speed rail start-up Proxima has announced a €۱bn plan backed by investor Antin Infrastructure Partners to acquire…
SPAIN inaugurated a ۱۱۰km section of the Madrid – Galicia high-speed line between Zamora and Pedralba de la Pradería…
MALAYSIA: Project promoter MyHSR Corp has appointed two consultancies to identify options for reducing the cost of the…
CZECH REPUBLIC: Infrastructure manager SŽDC and SNCF Mobilités have signed a KC۱۱m agreement to jointly draw up…
MALAYSIA: The project promoter for the Malaysian section of the planned Kuala Lumpur – Singapore high speed line has…
EUROPE: A ‘blueprint’ for the operation of direct high speed services to and from London was presented to the Mayor of…
GERMANY: Commissioner for Rail and Parliamentary Secretary of State for Transport & Digital Infrastructure Enak…
CHINA: Researchers at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s Suzhou campus have developed an algorithm intended to…
AUSTRALIA: The New South Wales state government has commissioned a study of four preferred corridors for high speed…