Industry trio inks for Singapore innovation center

Industry trio inks for Singapore innovation center

Recently, ZPMC Southeast Asia Holding Company, Huawei South Pacific Regional Center and Sinopec Lubricants signed a cooperation memorandum for the construction of a Southeast Asia Innovation Center in Singapore.

The Innovation Center is planned to integrate resources, gather information, improve products, accelerate responsiveness to operators, and improve user experience and be committed to creating itself a new technology development & test base, intelligent maintenance & development base and high-end training base.

At the signing ceremony, Zheng Chao, Counselor with the rank of minister of Chinese embassy in Singapore, congratulated the signing of the memorandum of the cooperation, encouraged overseas Chinese enterprises to unite together to give play the exceptional regional economic and trade advantages of Singapore, strengthen development and responding to the Belt and Road Initiative of China.

Zhu Lianyu, Chairman and Party Secretary of ZPMC, said in his speech that the collaboration between the three enterprises of Fortune Global 500, ranked No. 3, 83 and 113 respectively on the Innovation Center would certainly reach a new height. This collaboration is to build the first overseas Innovation Center of ZPMC. In the future, ZPMC’s innovation center will go beyond Singapore to cover the Southeast Asia and even the world.

Meanwhile, Zhu Lianyu also introduced the development strategy of ZPMC’s eight businesses and hoped that Chinese enterprises could cooperate with each other to achieve win-win results.

Xia Peng, Vice General Manager of Sinopec Singapore, and Yan Juan, Director of Huawei South Pacific Regional Channels Development Department, also gave speeches respectively and pledged to make use of the advantages of their respective fields to provide technical support and services for the Innovation Center and open the existing R&D resources and technology to jointly build an open innovation platform to achieve mutual benefit and win-win.

The ceremony was also attended by Meng Fanqiu, Chairman of  Chinese Enterprises Association (Singapore), Liao Xudong, Chief Representative of Southeast Office of Sinopec, Li Xibei, Party Secretary of COSCO Shipping Singapore, and Mr. Rahual, representative of President of Singapore Port Authority.


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