Transport Scotland to award A737 Dalry bypass contract

Transport Scotland to award A737 Dalry bypass contract

TIN news:  Transport Scotland is planning to award the construction contract for A737 Dalry bypass FarransRoadbridge Joint Venture, which is subject to a mandatory standstill period. 

The A737 project will see construction of 4km bypass with two roundabouts at Hillend and Highfield, as well as a viaduct that will allow road users to pass over the River Garnock and the Glasgow to Ayr railway line.

The project works also include establishing connectivity to the new bypass to the existing A737 Trunk Road east of Highfield. 

The transport authority added that majority of construction will take place away from the existing road and traffic management measures in order to safely complete these critical works. 

"Over the past few months, preparatory works have been undertaken on the site, including archaeological investigations, fencing and vegetation clearance."

Scotland Transport Minister Humza Yousaf said: “Over the past few months, preparatory works have been undertaken on the site, including archaeological investigations, fencing and vegetation clearance. 

"The award of this contract, subject to the mandatory standstill period, enables the main works contractor to finalise its designs and establish a base on the site before it can begin the main construction works in the coming weeks.”

The government expects that the new Dalry bypass will support economic and employment opportunities in the region as it would improve journey times for motorists along the length of the A737. 

In addition, Dalry bypass has been designed to separate local from strategic traffic, in order to improve safety for both rural road users and communities.


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