Prysmian to supply first renewable energy-powered vessel

Prysmian to supply first renewable energy-powered vessel

Prysmian Group announced that it entered in a partnership with the research institute CEA Liten, to provide cables on the Energy Observer, the world’s first catamaran powered solely by renewable sources. The vessel is committed to a six-year trip around the world.

The catamaran, 31 metres long and 12.80 metres wide, draws on 130m2 of solar panels, two vertical wind turbines and a sophisticated system that desalinates water, transforming it into hydrogen through electrolysis.

During its six-year trip, the Energy Observer, which set out on 14 April from the Port of Saint Malo (France), will travel to 101 ports in 50 countries. The goal of the project is to share with the world a concept of electrical power not in conflict with nature, building a consensus about new solutions for a cleaner future.

“After having equipped the Solar Impulse, this partnership allows us to continue down the path towards clean energy to which we have committed, by once again taking part in an ambitious and compelling project”, explained Alain Jeanguillame, Director of the Aerospace Business Unit of Prysmian Group, at Salon du Bourget (Paris, 19-25 June), at which the partnership was officially presented.

The Group was recently technical partner to the Solar Impulse, the solar airplane that travelled around the world without using fuel in 2015 and 2016.


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